Legal Information

Gollmer & Hummel GmbH
Gässlesweg 23
75334 Straubenhardt

Tel. +49 (0) 7082/9434-0
Fax +49 (0) 7082/9434-99

Managing Directors
Eva Schönthaler, Matthias Rinke, Christoph Schönthaler, Pascal Tretter

Company headquarters
75334 Straubenhardt

Commercial register
HRB 502786 Amtsgericht Mannheim

VAT Identification No.

Responsible for content:
Eva Schönthaler, Matthias Rinke, Christoph Schönthaler, Pascal Tretter

Information on settling online disputes:
The European Commission provides an Internet platform for settling online disputes at the following link: .
This platform serves as a point of contact for out-of-court settlements of disputes arising in relation to online purchase or service contracts involving a consumer.
We are neither bound nor willing to participate in dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.



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If you suspect that this website violates your rights, please inform us immediately so that we can promptly examine the situation and, if necessary, take remedial action.